

Jennifer Galeano from SPPO

Who Doesn’t Love to Move?

You might think that a department with more than 100 sections of first- and second-year classes using thousands of digital artifacts would be worried about migrating them all to a new platform. But…
Extreme closeup of Google Glass wearer

Is the Google Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

"I get a lot of stares," says OSU student and ASCTech employee Brandon Smith. "You look like a cyborg with the way the display covers your eye. And I'm uncomfortable talking to it in public…

ASCTech Leads use of DocuSign at OSU

ASC leads campus implementation of DocuSign

If you haven't already given authorization via DocuSign, you will soon. ASCTech had a large part in getting The Ohio State University to adopt this software, which allows for more rapid…

Impact Grant recipient Jim Fowler

Impact Grants for OSU instructors due Nov 4

Have you taught or are teaching a "key or large course for your department" and thought, "This class could be so much better if I could use [insert technology] in this course?" If so, consider…

Example of a hardware keylogger (sits between CPU and keyboard)

IT Security Alert

Dear Colleagues,

Recently a hardware keylogger was found on a faculty member’s computer.  Keyloggers have one purpose:  to capture all text entered on the keyboard and make that…

Mendenhall Builing

ASC Technology Services Now Located in Mendenhall

ASC Technology Services is now located in 433 Mendenhall Laboratory.

How to contact the ASCTech Help/Service Desk:

Phone: 614-688-4447Email: asctech@osu.eduWalk- In: 433 Mendenhall…