Standard Site Roadmap

BUX theme displaying on different devices


Over the next year our Web Services Team will be exploring and implementing updates, additions, and UX/UI refreshes/redesigns to the Standard Site Template. 

This Road Map has been created based on college priorities, advisory group feedback, and internal resource considerations. We will continue to update this page with more details and timelines. 

If you have any questions please contact

Phase I

Introduction of alternate Issue Landing Page

  • Users can select to have the large image or newsletter name and short description
  • Users can select a single Article to appear as Featured Article
  • Adding Social Share links

Updated Article Page

  • Users can add an Author and Image (like News)
  • New image caption styling
  • Removing Sidebar
    • Articles will be able to be scrolled through with Pagination
    • Previous Issues can be accessed by Breadcrumb Navigation

Note: Current Newsletter Archive Landing Page will not be affected and no changes to Issue Landing Page will appear without manual input

Introduction of BUX Hero Image

  • Carousel with Right or Left Content Container w/ optional two link Buttons
  • Single Image with optional Centered Content Container
  • Single Video with optional Centered Content Container
    • Plays on page load per Accessibility Requirements
    • Pause Button appears on Hover

Note: Current Landing Page and Front Page Featured Image/Slideshows will not be affected without manual input, we will be retiring the full width image per Accessibility Requirements after all sites have adopted the new Hero

Phase II

Background Colors

  • Limiting options for Background Colors per BUX
  • Landing Page Default will become Dark Gray
  • Adding option for no Breadcrumb Background Color on Landing Page



  • Adding Day and Time to Front page and Index Event Cards
  • Adding ability to link to an outside Event (like News)
  • Adding Subtitle field to Date and Time
    • Useful for events and have multiple components with different titles ie. conference


  • Profile images using the Default Buckeye Leaf will not be promoted to front page


  • Adding author field for Research Project
  • Fixing hover effect on card title to be consistent with other card styling throughout site

BUX Page Elements

  • Reviewing/Adding additional components
    • Question + Answer
    • Table
    • Tile
    • Timeline
    • Back to top

Image Slideshow

  • Update styling for captions

Retooling Filter style and functionality on all Content Types using Filters

  • Including Filter behavior on Mobile Viewports
  • Add ability to make multiple selections
  • Potential adding Filtering on Front Page New, Events, People
  • Ability to add Research and Gallery Display block 

Event/News/People Content Type

  • Option for List View that will not require an image


  • Adding Google map
  • Adding Calendar View

Landing Page

  • Looking at adding secondary Navigation to display children pages
  • Users will more easily recognize if Landing Page is front door for microsite/content section (ie. Future Students)


  • Looking at refreshing Table View for Desktop and Mobile Viewports

Note: These are targeted UX/UI updates however other elements of all content types will be explored for refresh and details will be shared as we progress

Phase III

  • Ability to add Events, News, Research, Galleries to Basic Pages and Landing Pages
  • Display related content on News and Events
  • Course Content type
  • Programs/Majors/Minors display more visually
  • Enhancing UX for recruitment/Future Students and Alumni/Giving
  • Templated content across department sites
  • Enhancing taxonomy/vocabularies for more robust content management

Note: these UX/UI features are on our list to explore, and details will be shared as we progress

  • Styling Print View for pages site-wide
    • This has the potential to replace/decrease the need for PDF files in some instances