Drupal is your pal for ASC websites

March 18, 2014

Drupal is your pal for ASC websites

Eva Dale and Dustin Perzanowski in front of computer

“It’s fast,” says Eva Dale (left in image), Senior Visual Communications Specialist at the College of Arts and Sciences (ASC). “The ASC Drupal installation has really sped up ASC Communications’ ability to create attractive websites for clients in the college.” What’s more, once the websites are built, “ASC departments and units have much greater management of their websites,” Dale says.

Originally intended to streamline web hosting and site development, when Arts and Sciences Technology Services (ASCTech) and ASC Communications co-launched the ASC Drupal installation 3 years ago, it has also preserved Ohio State branding and eliminated inefficiencies. “Previous software like Dreamweaver, required a much greater upfront investment of time to learn, with a very steep learning curve,” says George Abraham, Manager of Application Development at ASCTech. "But Drupal is much easier to learn and ASC Communications regularly offers classes for clients to learn it."

Since its launch, ASC's Drupal installation has become one of the biggest web hosting infrastructures at Ohio State, with almost 200 sites currently hosted. And that's just the beginning. Abraham points out, “ASCTech has plans for scaling up to 350 sites - mainly college, departmental, center and institute sites.”

The ASC Drupal installation is a model of collaboration among university units. "ASC Communications serves as the main entry point for the customers around ASC, and ASCTech hosts, develops and maintains the technical infrastructure," says Dale. "And we meet regularly in to cooperate on projects, transitions and other processes," finishes Abraham.

By the Numbers

