Meet the Staff: Ben Hood
Note: Meet the Staff is a new feature that ASCTech will be publishing over the next few months to introduce staff members to the College of Arts and Sciences. We welcome your thoughts on it.
What's something about you that other people find surprising? I’m a psychology major who works in information technology.
Do you have a nickname? Hoodlum, Benji, Benjamin Button, Benjammin, anything but Benny and the Jets
What's something that surprised you about your job at ASCTech? How much face-time I got with customers and the large variety of people I get to meet.
Hood sees a successful day for you at work as one in which he gets "to fix someone’s problem and make his or her day better, whether that’s fixing a computer with all of their important photos or getting software working."
When he isn't swooping in to help wearing a flowing cape (not really), Hood is taking classes at Ohio State, "building computers, and looking for new technology and ways it can simplify and enhance daily life."