Meet the Staff: Terry Bradley

Note: Meet the Staff is a new feature that ASCTech will be publishing over the next few months to introduce staff members to the College of Arts and Sciences. We welcome your thoughts on it.
What's something about you that other people find surprising? I am a cancer research warrior. I am heavily involved in Team Buckeye and Pelotonia, which raises research funding for The James Cancer Hospital. I started Team Physics years ago, which morphed into Team ASC; we’re involved for our 7th Pelotonia. Sure, I ride a bike for what-might-seem-like-crazy-distances, but combining cycling with cancer research that has been making a difference for patients and their family – does it get any better??
What's your background? B.A. Chemistry/B.A. Russian, Emory University. I’m also a charter-member of sorts of the Ohio Instructional Designers Association.
ASCTech Systems Manager Terry Bradly seems to have a genetic predisposition to working in tech: "my dad worked for Bell Labs for 37 years; both my sister and I grew up in fine geeky fashion, watching dad solder IC chips to boards for relaxation." Her path to a job in technology was, like many ASCTech employees, a winding one. After earning a degree in chemistry and Russian language, Bradley worked as a legal secretary for a few years, a job that enhanced her highly detailed notetaking ability [editorial note: "Terry's notes are the best I've seen" Doug Dangler]. Even then, her tech background crept into her work: "I became the go-to person for things computing-related around the law firm and wound up as a sysadmin and database admin."
Bradley's work at ASCTech covers a wide range as she supports "undergraduate instructional computing in physics; that’s all aspects of 200+ machines, plus knowing a whole lot about how we teach those courses and how we use those labs." She regularly interacts with the Department of Physics Vice Chairs Tom Gramila and Robert Perry and "course coordinators, course instructors, some of our TA’s, and physics’ lecture demo/lab setup team."
If you need someone to help with your technology, request help from ASCTech and maybe you'll work with Terry Bradley.