Pushing Efficiency

May 30, 2017

Pushing Efficiency

Solenoid of convenience from below

Imagine getting an automated service call from your server room at midnight. Now imagine driving to work only to discover that a minor software glitch set off the alarm.

After a few nights of this, it's not much fun.

While working toward a permanent solution for the glitch, Senior Research Consultant Larry Campbell created a temporary solution from spare parts. Dubbed the "Solenoid of Convenience,"1 a remotely triggered relay activates a solenoid that resets the air-handling system in the server room.

It's a short-term solution but works really well and shows the creative problem solving ability of the ASCTech staff," says Andy Greicius, Director of Infrastructure and Operations.

If you've got a computer or hardware problem that needs to be solved, consider contacting the creative minds at ASCTech.

1"Solenoid of Convenience," replaced the original engineering acronym: PSPMMNLMSSERS, or “Please Stop Paging Me In the Middle of the Night and Let Me Sleep HVAC Spurious Error Remediation System.”

a small wall-mounted robot pushes a control button