

Ryan Hansen in front of green screen and inserted into PowerPoint slide

The Psychology of Student Involvement

Faced with a student population that couldn't attend an in-person course, Ryan Hansen did what any reasonable instructor would do: he painted a wall in his house neon green.

"I have a very…

5 ways to avoid malware

How to avoid malware

You know ASCTech as the people you call when you've got a computer problem. 

But they can also help you avoid having problems - like having your computer infected with malware (aka,…

Still from streaming video of Voodoo Lilies in pots

The Return of "What's That Smell?"

The Biological Sciences Greenhouse has been fortunate to have multiple bloomings of the Titan Arum, aka, the corpse flower. Now, they have its smaller but also smelly cousin, the Voodoo Lily. So… screenshot "Code and Collaborate"

ASCTech helps establish Ohio State code repository

Ten months ago, ASCTech’s Application Development team had a simple question: “Why are Ohio State programmers re-creating so many pieces of code when they could just pool resources and save…

ASC Tech Coordinator Allen Coleman pointing to Google Glass he's wearing

What could YOU do with Google Glass?

Got a learning objective that Google Glass could help you fulfill? Check out the ASC Technology YouTube invitation, and then tweet ASC Technology Services at ASC_Tech with your idea.…

Tim Lombardo at the ELT Quality Matters presentation

ASCTech Collaboration Proves that Quality Matters

In association with presenters from the OSU Office of Distance Education and the College of Nursing, ASCTech will be releasing a series of YouTube videos from the November 15 Exploring Learning…

Yeast cells at 5000x magnification

ASCTech: Not Just The Computer-Question People

Think ASCTech just answers your computer questions? There's more to ASCTech than you might imagine, including support for technology-intensive groups in OSU's largest college, such as the spinning…

Filtered image of computer code

ASCTech Call for Grant Ideas

What’s your instructional problem? Let ASCTech solve it by developing a custom application

If you are an instructor or administrator in the OSU College of Arts and Sciences (ASC), join…

OSU BootCamp logo

Get your teaching in shape at OSU's Online Teaching Boot Camp!

Looking to become an online instructor but don't know enough about the differences online teaching brings? Take EDUCST 5892: "Online GTA Boot Camp for the Beginning Instructor"…